Hello and Welcome to the LiNo!

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Thanks for stopping by the LiNo (pronounced L-eye no), my new blog and soon to be newsletter…once I get this technical difficulty ironed out. Be sure to follow me on Instagram or X to stay up to date in the mean time.



But it’s time to get started on my blogging journey. The LiNo will serve mostly as a way for me to share news about my books, but I also plan to post short stories, information about self-publishing for my fellow writers, my art, and more! So make sure to check back regularly for updates.

What is LiNo?

And you may be wondering what LiNo means. Well, I’m not really sure either! It just felt right. It started as a combination of the chemical symbols for lithium and nobelium – LiNo. I wanted something science-y and futuristic sounding to tie into my science fiction writing, but I also liked how it sounded. Plus, it happens to create an acronym for Literary Innovation and Notable Originals. This embodied my goal for the blog and newsletter, so it stuck.

I hope you’ll follow along and join me on this journey as I work to improve my writing. I plan to post regularly but not too often, so it won’t be another spam email in your inbox. I, of course, will still be balancing this with school and my full-time job.


Braydon Conell